Jewelry Company’s Ad featuring Blindfolded Kids Finding their Moms


Every woman is unique. Every mother is unique.

Would you agree with that? I certainly do!

Now, what if I tell you that a woman is so unique that her kids can find her easily even if she stands with other mommies (probably even if they are wearing the same clothes)?

You’d surely laugh at me and say, “But, of course!” and I would agree with your answer.

But what if I tell you the moms may be wearing different clothes and different hairstyles but their kids would be blindfolded while trying to find them? Hmmmm.

The situation becomes tricky now, right? Would you feel so sure that the kids would find their moms now?

I have doubts about this, too, for how could the kids find their moms now? Perhaps they would make mistakes and not find her among the other women.

Well, that’s what Danish jewelry company Pandora wanted to show.

Are moms so unique that their kids can easily identify them even when blindfolded? I know there are a lot of questions in your mind about how this would all go but it is best you watch the video to find out.

Pandora aptly calls the video, “The Unique Connection”:

It certainly was a touching video, wasn’t it?

A lot of people admitted to crying while watching this heartwarming video – for it was truly touching how each child was able to use his/her senses to connect with the woman in front and determine whether she was the right mommy.

Even the moms in the row had tears in their eyes as they watched their kids trying hard to locate the correct woman.

It would certainly be heartwarming to know your kids recognize you – even if they were blindfolded! What a truly unique connection moms have with their kids for the kids to be able to do that!

Of course, Pandora is not belittling the bond between dads and their kids in this video but merely honoring mothers because Mother’s Day is just around the corner.

We believe all women are unique, but can a child find its mother among a group of women – only using its intuition?

Posted by PANDORA on Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It is easy to see why this campaign goes viral within days after it was posted, amassing close to 10.9 million views on YouTube and close to 16 million on Facebook.

Danielle Ramos
Danielle Ramos
A non-functioning licensed Chemist but full-time mommy of 2 kids, full-time wife, and full-time freelancer.


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